May 2022 Newsletter

Partner Spotlight: 


Alpine Foods


If you enjoyed an Easter ham this year, you may be able to thank Alpine Foods for bringing it to your table. Based out of Milwaukie, Oregon, the wholesale food redistributor services the 10 western states, including Alaska and Hawaii. e-Mission Control’s Senior Zero-Emission Program Manager, Adam Magnusson, sat down with Shawn Hood, Alpine Food’s General Manager to discuss Alpine Food’s participation in the Oregon Clean Fuels Program (CFP). 


Shawn explained that Alpine Foods is a logistics and supply chain provider with 500,000 square feet of warehousing space under roof, 80 assets in tractor trailers, and 80 pieces of lift truck powered equipment. Alpine Food’s customers are large box grocers, convenience distributors, and produce distributors selling groceries. After evaluating the benefits of propane vs electric, they saw the benefits of electric and started converting their fleet. 


We invite you to watch our partner spotlight video featuring Alpine Food’s Shawn Hood. (link to Video)




ACT 2022 Recap


It’s not every day we get to drive an electric semi-truck, but that’s what we got to do at the Advanced Clean Transportation EXPO “Ride & Drive.” The Expo, which took place May 9-12, 2022, was attended by over 8,500 people including ten e-Mission Control employees. 


An electric cement mixer, a clean fuel school bus, and a zero-emission police car–it was all represented on the show floor at ACT Expo 2022, held in Long Beach, California. We got to marvel at over 75 advanced clean vehicles on display on the trade show floor. 


We also had the opportunity to attend fascinating break-out sessions including:


  • Battery Tech
  • Transportation and Environmental, Social, and Corporate governance
  • Transport Refrigeration Units (TRU) workshop
  • Autonomous Commercial Vehicles
  • Incorporating Equity and Inclusion into Clean Transportation and more. 


We’ll be blogging more about these sessions in the upcoming weeks here


We invite you to view our ACT Expo 2022 recap narrated by Todd Trauman, e-Mission Control CEO. Todd explains his vision for the industry and how eMC was there to build our OEM Network.


Read our ACT Expo recap on our blog. 




Wednesday, Jun 22, 2022 11am-12pm

CMTC in partnership with e-Mission Control will present:

Electric Vehicle & Electric Material Handling Incentives for California Manufacturers


Are you using electric equipment? If you operate battery-electric material handling equipment in California, you can earn new revenue through California’s Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) – a program that aims to encourage the use of electric and hydrogen vehicles by providing incentives for their operation.

Today, the majority of businesses using electric material handling equipment (MHE) in California lose out on their opportunity to generate income from the LCFS program. Most are not aware that LCFS has been expanded to include nearly all types of electric transport equipment and others simply don’t know how to get started. During this webinar, CMTC and e-Mission Control will explain how you can quickly and easily earn cash incentives on your existing electric MHE, Electric Vehicles, and EV Chargers as well as provide tips on how to get more revenue from future purchases. Join us for this can’t-miss event! 

Register here


Funding Opportunities:



BAAQMD – Goods Movement Program


Category: Electric Charging Infrastructure, Hydrogen Fueling

Funding total: $20M

Deadline: Aug 1, 2022


Interest: About $20 million in grant funding is available to replace goods movement equipment and to install supporting electric-charging and hydrogen-fueling infrastructure. All replacement equipment must be non-diesel fueled. Projects funded under this program must achieve early or extra emission reductions not otherwise required by law or regulation. Eligible projects include: Cargo handling equipment (CHE) replacement or engine repower, such as forklifts, yard trucks, and RTG cranes; Locomotive replacement / Railcar Mover; Transportation Refrigeration Units (Zero Emission and Cryogenic) and related infrastructures; Shore Power and Emission Capture & Control Systems.


Eligibility: Equipment and owner’s fleet maintain and can document compliance with all ARB (air quality) regulations. Equipment must be primarily used to move commercial freight, bulk or goods for sale or for purchase along California’s trade corridors


EnergIIZE Commercial Vehicles (Energy Infrastructure Incentives for Zero-Emission Commercial Vehicles)

is the nation’s first commercial vehicle fleet infrastructure incentive project. Funded by the California Energy Commission’s Clean Transportation Program and implemented by CALSTART, EnergIIZE provides incentives for zero-emission vehicle (ZEV) infrastructure equipment for medium- and heavy-duty battery electric and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles in California. The project provides a user-friendly and streamlined process for participation by breaking down infrastructure deployment barriers through targeted incentives and specialized assistance.


More Information 


CORE is opening in July – Dealers are creating reservation lists Now! Don’t wait, contact us today!. If want to participate in CORE, reach out to eMC and we can connect you with the right OEM.


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