Station A: Using AI to Find and Evaluate Best Solar Sites

Station A doesn’t waste time on lowly ambitions. Their mission is nothing less than to transition the world to 100% clean energy, a goal that we here at e-Mission Control fully support. Energy buyers and renewable energy project developers use Station A every day to enable them to deploy and use more clean energy through automated, scalable analysis of solar sites. 


What does Station A do? 


Station A has two core capabilities: evaluation and transaction. Evaluation takes the form of comprehensive solar analysis. Station’s AI-powered engine identifies your best sites for on-site solar and calculates key financial and technical project metrics. 

The “transaction” step is competitive solar procurement via their own marketplace where you can use a digital request for proposal (RFP) process to solicit price-competitive, unbiased, comprehensive solar proposals. The Station A team works with you to draft, review, and publish your RFP. 


How does Station A work to find solar sites? 


Station A is an AI-powered engine that calculates the key financial and technical solar metrics for your site. They assign letter grades (A+ through E) to indicate how suitable a site is for solar. 

You can self-service your solar analysis if you have a small number of addresses to analyze. You can do this through the Station A homepage (no account needed) or web app (account needed). If you want to analyze many buildings at once, you can send Station A a CSV or Excel list of your addresses.

The next step is Station A’s marketplace, which is your one-stop shop to procure clean energy. Station A RFPs are 2X faster than traditional RFPs and they have the largest network of over 2,0000 qualified providers to procure from.

Station A can customize your RFP to your company’s unique needs. Common customizations include, but are not limited to: 

  • Preferring local installers to bid
  • Asking for multiple financing methods within a single RFP
  • Requesting a shortlist to get best and final offers

Station A RFPs are fast, typically taking about 1 month thanks to a software-driven process while traditional RFPs take anywhere from 2 to 8 months. 


What are some real life use cases of Station A? 

To try it out, we searched buildings in Sacramento, California on the Station A homepage, and found that Golden 1 Center, walking distance from the e-Mission Control office, received an “A+” grade. This means that, according to a Station A prediction, based on the size, location, and the cost of electricity, a rooftop solar project on this building will generate more than $1M in financial returns over its 20-year lifetime with no money down required to finance it.

Some of our other neighbors received a “C” grade which means that, according to a Station A prediction based on the size, location, and cost of electricity for a rooftop solar project, this building will pay back within 7.5 years in an all-cash purchase.

See below various options for the Golden 1 Center, with an A + score: whether they pay all-cash or no money down, they reduce 1,046 t of carbon dioxide a year by going solar. 


How can I use Station A to go solar? 


All Station A needs from you are your addresses. They can analyze any number of buildings to identify the best sites for on-site solar and calculate key financial, technical, and site-specific project metrics. You’ll receive clean energy analysis which will identify the best sites for solar. 


The clean energy analysis will include: 

  • Current annual utility bill
  • Annual utility bill savings
  • New utility bill after solar
  • Year 1 savings
  • Year 1 savings percentage
  • Lifetime savings
  • Return on investment
  • And more 


Analyzing your building with Station A is free. Visit and instantly discover the financial and environmental returns a building can generate by transitioning to clean energy.



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