Driving New Jersey Towards a Sustainable Future

New Jersey S 2425 was proposed in Jan 2024 and is currently referred to Senate Committe on Environment and Energy.

The New Jersey Low-Carbon Fuel Standard (New Jersey LCFS)

The New Jersey Low-Carbon Fuel Standard (New Jersey LCFS) would require reductions in GHG emissions associated with the diesel and gasoline used in New Jersey by 10% below 2019 levels by the year 2030 and require electric public utilities, state agencies and state authorities to direct at least 40% of that participants’ overall credit value to electrified transportation projects.

Bill Number: S 2425
Introduced: January 29, 2024
Proposed Effective Date: Immediately
Date of Latest Substantive Action: January 29, 2024
Latest Action: Referred to Senate Committee on Environment and Energy

Bill Number: A 3645
Introduced: February 12, 2024
Proposed Effective Date: Immediately
Date of Latest Substantive Action: February 12, 2024
Latest Action: Referred to General Assembly Committee on Environment, Natural Resources, and Solid Waste.
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